August 25, 2020
Whiplash Injury
As a personal injury attorney, it is your job to recommend a trusted physical therapy network to your clients, who have suffered an injury as a result of the negligence of a person, organization, company, or government agency. In such situations, you should be prepared with a list of the most reliable physical therapists in the area, to help your client recover while also maximizing the odds of getting them the compensation they deserve. Did you know the most common auto accident injury is a whiplash?
What is Whiplash Injury?
In the year 1919, the first case of whiplash injury from an automobile accident was documented. Whiplash received its name from the way in which the neck of the victims ‘whipped back’ when an automobile was struck in the rear by another vehicle. Essentially, whiplash injuries affect the neck and almost always occur as a result of an auto accident. The whipping motion of the neck when a car is struck from the rear is what typically causes this type of injury.
According to medical professionals, a whiplash injury usually results in the distortion of the cervical spine, thus resulting in torn or distended ligaments and tendons. Victims involved in rear-end car wrecks can often suffer elevated injuries to their neck and spine as a result of improper adjustment of the headrest. If the head slams into the headrest during an accident, it could lead to torn tendons, muscles, and ligaments.
Skiing, snowboarding, and sports injuries can also result in whiplash, though these causes are less common than car wrecks. Pain and stiffness in the neck are some of the most common symptoms of a whiplash injury. It may take a few days, however, for these symptoms to manifest after the accident has occurred. Severe discomfort in the upper back region and an intermittent, shooting pain in the neck are some common signifies of whiplash injury.
Recommending a Physical Therapy Network
Personal injury attorneys often represent victims of car accidents in lawsuits, especially when there is reason to believe that the accident was the result of negligence on the part of an individual or company. However, before a case can be settled, the victim often needs to receive physical therapy – along with other types of medical care – to manage their injuries and speed up the process of recovery. In such situations, as their lawyer, you might have to help them choose the right physical therapy for their medical and legal needs.
If your client happens to have suffered from a whiplash injury during a car wreck, it might be difficult for them to get the compensation they deserve because a whiplash injury is not immediately visible. Therefore, you need to help them choose the right medical care providers – including physical therapists – who will help them recover quickly while at the same time allowing them to prove their claims in a court of law. Listed below are some of the factors to keep in mind when choosing a physical therapist for whiplash injury.
● Proximity: When recommending a physical therapist to a client, you must ensure that the therapist’s office or clinic is located in close proximity to the patient’s residence, so that it is not a major inconvenience for them to travel to get the treatment they need.
● Reliability: The therapist you recommend must be reliable, reputed, and have numerous years of experience in the field of physical therapy for accident victims.
● Quality: The treatment provided should be of the highest possible quality, ensuring that the patient will regain their mobility and make as quick a recovery as possible.
● Services: The physical therapist you recommend should provide a range of therapeutic services such as acupuncture, aquatic therapy, occupational therapy, and certified hand therapy.
In Conclusion
For the reasons mentioned above, personal injury attorneys practicing in California should consider recommending the WestStar Physical Therapy Network for clients who have suffered whiplash injuries or other types of physical damage in a car crash. This network has clinics across southern California and provides world-class care to patients on lien basis. What Can Personal Injury Attorneys Expect While Collaborating with WestStar Physical Therapy Network? Physical Therapy for Soft Tissue Injuries Caused by Car Accidents
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